Thursday, January 6, 2011

New year, New goals

     "I have not yet reached my goal, and I am not perfect. But Christ has taken hold of me. So I keep on running and struggling to take hold of the prize. My friends, I don't feel that I have already arrived. But I forget what is behind, and I struggle for what is ahead. I run toward the goal, so that I can win the prize of being called to heaven. This is the prize that God offers because of what Jesus Christ has done." Philippians 3:12-14, Contemporary English Version.
     This is a verse I refer to often, it seems to be perfectly suited to my 1st blog post, and for new goals. I don't generally make New Year resolutions, because I don't feel anyone is more likely to complete a task or goal, based on the time of the year they start at it. The biggest factor is if you have a true desire to complete the task. I have come up with a few goals for this year, and it has taken a few weeks to even be certain I wanted to call them goals. It's really making the decision that the rogue thought in your mind may actually stand a chance at being achieved if you just get down to business. So here are my goals.

     1) Read my bible more. I'm not going to be specific as to every day or so many chapters a month, because that is only setting myself up to fail and get discouraged.
     2) Start blogging regularly. This is mainly to help me see where I've been and where I want to go. I want to blog about happy things I want to remember, triumphs I have made over struggles in my life, and the insights I intend to receive from my increased bible reading.
     3) Get my lazy rear exercising. Whether that means going for walks alone, or taking the kids hiking, or working out in front of the T.V.  I need to get my body in motion. I'm not getting younger, unfortunately no one has discovered how to make that happen yet. So it's time to face the inevitable, you don't magically stay fit and energetic. You have to work at it.  (on a side note, why does everything in adult life require work? I really dislike that word)
    4) Get organized.  I say this every year. I think I may get a little closer each year, however like in the scripture, I have not yet obtained my goal. I need to pick 1 project at a time and complete it. Really, for my sanity, it is extremely important. Clutter makes me anxious and being anxious makes me hateful and snappy to those around me. Which brings me to the next goal.
    5) Be nicer! Not "yeah sure you can come live with us" and run up our bills, and take advantage of us nicer. Sorry if I burst anyone's bubble on that. Nicer, as in being more aware of the things that seem to come out of my mouth without being asked, or told. If you know me than I don't need to explain further. Actively pursuing goal number 1 should benefit this goal.
   6) Stop drinking. This is not really a new goal, but a continuation of a goal already in progress. Aside from wine tasting in Branson, it's been about 2 or 3 months since I've had any alcohol. That is not to say my goal is, I will never again consume any alcoholic drink. I have however, come to realize, I seem to have a slight problem with moderation. Well, maybe more than slight, but that's not really the point. The point is, for me less is better. So never would be best.

     So far those are completely obtainable goals. Things I have complete control over whether they can done or not. I also have the list of  "If it's God's timing" goals. I could say, if its God's will, but that always leads to debate. I know these are things that would be in-line with his will, but that doesn't mean this is the time for them to happen.
   1) Buy a house. I am ready to be settled. Our current house fits us well (except we need another bathroom), but I am ready to get organized in a house I don't have to worry about packing up and moving from. Plus I would like to be able to do minor "remodeling" type things, like painting walls, building fences, planting trees, and the like.
    2) Have a job where I am home when the kids are home and work when they are in school.  This is the biggie. I am thankful to have a job in the 1st place, but I don't see this current job getting me the hours that would allow me to be home with the kids. It's hard to keep up with home-work, chores, and extracurricular activities when you work during that time. I know I'm not not the only one who deals with it, but I believe God has put it on my heart I need to be home in the evenings. (Part of that is for my own motivational factor, because if I don't have to be up with the kids, or up to go to work, I sleep, sleep, sleep and sleep some more.)
  3) Go to school. I have been thinking about this for several months. Yesterday I was encouraged by someone to go to school if only one class at a time. She thought I may be good at what she does. Last night I had a strange dream, about something completely unrelated to that, but when I got to thinking about the meaning of the dream, it fit perfectly into me doing what she does. I may tell about that in another blog but it's to long to add in here.

So, as for now, that is my list of goals. I may come and edited it, to add more as they come to mind or seem appropriate. I'm not sure anyone else really cares about my goals. I do believe blogging will help me be accountable to myself though, and that's the most important part.

1 comment:

  1. I like your goals. You have come so far in the last two or three years. I am pleased at how maturity has begun to settle your thinking. (I am sure realizing God's grace has been a large factor there.)
    For me, if I don't have goal, I do NOTHING... like exercising! Like you, I saw the wisdom of not setting myself up to fail by saying I will do THIS___ every day!
    Have a blessed afternoon.
